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Transform Into Birth
Your Guides
Welcome & Course Overview (22:31)
The Philosophy of Transform Into Birth (18:06)
Core Values
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Module 1: Foundations of Birth Preparation
The Heart of Birth: Re-Framing 'Prenatal Care' w/ Victoria Rose (99:19)
Birth: The Orgasm of Pregnancy w/ Victoria Rose (62:22)
Demystifying 'Prenatal Care' w/ Victoria Rose (24:22)
Intro to Birth Psychology w/ Victoria Rose (7:22)
The Conscious Baby w/ Victoria Rose (22:05)
Body Kinesiology w/ Victoria Rose (25:10)
Transforming Fear Into Trust (EFT) w/ Frances Goodall
Module 2: The First Trimester
Discovery, Calibration Period, and Morning Sickness (34:23)
Miscarriage (7:26)
Nutrition: The Brewers Diet
Bleeding (4:02)
Pregnancy Test (9:32)
Module 3: Routine Tests and Procedures + Variations of Normal
The Nocebo Effect (20:18)
Due Dates w/ Victoria Rose
Routine Tests and Analysis
Weight, Height, and Measurements
Gestational Diabetes
Blood Pressure Assessment
Heart Tones
Group B Strep
Breech (1:59)
Module 4: Non-Ordinary Realms of Pregnancy & Birth
Birth is Designed to Transform You, Every Single Time w/ Victoria Rose (25:24)
Birth as a Celebration of Love w/ Victoria Rose (10:07)
Birth is Entheogenic?! w/ Victoria Rose (6:54)
Brainwave States of Birth w/ Victoria Rose (62:42)
Oxytocin in Childbirth: How the Hormone of Love Makes Birth Easier and Safer w/ Dr. Sarah Buckley (50:28)
Oxytocin in Childbirth: How Interventions Can Impact Oxytocin and How to Address Hormonal Gaps w/ Dr. Sarah Buckley (55:51)
Natures Blueprint for Ease and Ecstasy by Dr. Sarah Buckley
"Creating the Field" w/ Victoria Rose + Excerpts from Sunni Karll (33:41)
Natural (Pain) Receiving Techniques w/ Victoria Rose (15:19)
Birth is ALREADY Happening. How Do You Navigate Life's Challenges? w/ Victoria Rose
Models of Care: Medical, Midwifery or Free-Birth w/ Victoria Rose
Birth Wisdom and the Guardians of Birth w/ Victoria Rose
Partnering with Nature - Co-CREATION w/ Victoria Rose
Module 5: Common Myths and Wonders
Birth Timing w/ Victoria Rose
From Scared to Sacred w/ Victoria Rose
Sensuality, Beauty, Power of Mothering w/ Victoria Rose
Module 6: Biomechanics for Pregnancy and Birth
Overview of the Myofascial System w/ Victoria Rose
Reclaiming Fluid, Spontaneous, Natural Movement w/ Bryan Michelson
Detoxifying Your Movement w/ Bryan Michelson
Recoding Your Body w/ Bryan Michelson
Crawl, Walk, Run. w/ Bryan Michelson
Mobility & Decompression w/ Bryan Michelson
Upper Body Routine w/ Bryan Michelson
Lower Body Routine w/ Bryan Michelson
Module 7: Human Rights in Birth
The History of Obstetrics: Podcast by Free Birth Society
The Business of Being Born Movie (85:45)
Navigating Routine Procedures w/ Victoria Rose
Policy vs. Law w/ Victoria Rose
Say "NO" to Circumcision
Module 8: Nourish to Flourish!
From Stardust to Starving: Holistic Nourishment for Healthy Mamas & Thriving Families in the Modern World W/ Poppy Burr (91:59)
Nutrition to Grow a Healthy Human Being!
Nutrition and Hormonal Health
Dietary Guidelines and Nutrition
Hormones and Mineralization
Module 9: Herbalism
Working with Plant Allies for Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum - Poppy Burr (64:14)
Module 10: Homeopathy and Immune System Health
Immune System Basics for the Gestating Mother: Introduction to Homeoprophylaxis, w/ Kate Birch (28:05)
Childhood Homeoprophylaxis: Intact Immune Systems and Normal Childhood Development w/ Kate Birch (26:46)
Vaccines in the Immune System: Irregular Immune Responses w/ Kate Birch (27:30)
Module 11: Relationship Dynamics and Creating Sanctuary
The Alchemy of Conception: The Hormonal Blueprint of Lovemaking, of Birth, of Life. BIRTH IS ALREADY HAPPENING! w/ Victoria Rose
Ecstatic Birth: A Celebration of Love and Welcoming of Life w/ Victoria Rose
Relationships, Intimacy, & Parenting: An Interview with Charles & Brandilynn Clay
Module 12: The Men's Role in Pregnancy and Birth
The Men's Role in Birth: Live Panel w/ Dr. Thomas Verny, Dr. Nathan Riley, and David Arrell
Fatherhood: The Ultimate Flex (and Test) of Masculinity w/ Dr. Nathan Riley (44:32)
Welcome to Fatherhood WTF Podcast Episode w/ David Arrell
Welcome to Fatherhood (WTF) The Dad Instinct w/ David Arrell (16:42)
The Juggling Act w/ Charles Clay
Healing Your Own Birth w/ Victoria Rose
Cultivating Presence w/ Victoria Rose
The Men's Role in Birth w/ Wise Elder Barbara Essman (95:34)
Honest Fatherhood w/ Daniel Rose
Module 13: Prenatal Consciousness
Prenatal Bonding w/ Victoria Rose
Communicating With Your Unborn, Understanding They're Responses w/ Victoria Rose
Birth's Impact on Lifelong Health w/ Victoria Rose
Parent's, YOU Are The Architect
Spirit Baby Exercise
Module 14: Restoring Your Own Prenatal Origins
Healing Your Own Birth w/ Wise Elder Barbara Essman
The End of Trauma is Here w/ Victoria Rose
Birth and Pre- Birth Imprints w/ Victoria Rose
Writing a New Story for Your Future Lineages w/ Victoria Rose
Epigenetics: From Pre-Conception to Creation w/ Paola ZuaZua (75:43)
Acknowledging and Attending to Life Span and Transgenerational Imprints that Shape the Experience of Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting w/ Dr. Ann Diamond Weinstein (51:20)
Module 15: Third Trimester
Episiotomy, Not Pushing, and Protecting the Pelvic Lattice w/ Victoria Rose
Due Date: A Month of Mystery w/ Victoria Rose
Breech Baby w/ Victoria Rose
Preparing Baby for Their Upcoming Journey of Birth w/ Victoria Rose
Last Month of Pregnancy w/ Victoria Rose
Birthing Tips to Remember w/ Victoria Rose
The Onset of Birth w/ Victoria Rose
Opening (Dilation) w/ Victoria Rose
Deepening (Transition) w/ Victoria Rose
Crowning (Emergence) w/ Victoria Rose
Module 16: After Baby Arrives
Birthing Your Placenta w/ Victoria Rose
The Placenta: Baby's Guardian w/ Victoria Rose
Umbilical Cord and Placenta Care w/ Victoria Rose
The Golden Hour w/ Victoria Rose
Variations of Normal After Birth w/ Victoria Rose
What to Expect w/ Victoria Rose
Variations of Normal in Your Newborn w/ Victoria Rose
Your Radiant Newborn
Your Postpartum Body
Mental and Emotional Care
Post- Birth Testing and Newborn Assessments
Module 17: The Fourth Trimester and Beyond
Telling Baby Their Birth Story w/ Victoria Rose
Postpartum Recovery and Care w/ Victoria Rose
Mind, Body, Spirit Integration w/ Victoria Rose
Postpartum Nourishment w/ Victoria Rose
Fostering Connection and Deepening Family Bonds w/ Victoria Rose
Strategies for Lifelong Health and Happiness w/ Victoria Rose
Integrating Birth and Welcoming WHOLENESS w/ Victoria Rose
Integration Exercise
Module 18: Conclusion
Course Wrap Up w/ Victoria Rose
The Journey Ahead w/ Victoria Rose
Additional Workshops, Resources, & Materials
Prenatal Yoga Nidra w/ Andreia St. Jules
Prenatal Yoga Nidra w/ Esther Knowles
Transcribing Living Memory: Revisiting and Healing Your Own Birth, Pre- Birth, Conception and Pre- Conception Experiences
DFY Checklists
New section
July 18th, 2024: First Trimester, Density, CHOOSING, and TIMING (60:57)
August 1st, 2024: How You're Directly Setting Up Your Fourth Trimester NOW! (77:29)
August 15th: Lessons from Surgery - Hearing Your Body Wisdom, Self-Directed Decision Making, Sovereignty, Recovering from Birth vs. Recovering from Surgery (66:03)
August 22nd 2024: Sacred Circle and Spirit Babies (62:05)
Breech Baby w/ Victoria Rose
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